As the Child smiles to your giving, His whole world of Love opens to you


We are privileged to inform you that beside singing of songs of worship to our God. God guided us to start school to support orphans, disadvantaged and the needy child (without discriminating any one because some of the children are HIV positive) get quality education and an equal chance to compete favorably with those who have.
By offering quality education to a child, In future the child will be able to do something for him/her and not grow up to be a definition of the locality where him comes from. Here in Uganda there place where people are know of what they are doing, whether bad or good. We want help and transform the community by educating these lovely children.

Please, pattern with us as we provide quality education, a meal and a school uniform by sponsoring a child with $40 US a month. At the same time, you can visit us and volunteer with your skills and be a blessing to these children.

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